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Books importance essay

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Should bottled water be banned because of the books, waste it creates? Bottled water is usually tap water anyway, all it has that's special is the essays, amount of importance essay, toxins it creates and how many resources are used and narrative essay wasted to make them, not to mention the toxins in books importance essay, the bottles themselves is slowly poisoning those who drink from this?osable plastic water bottles. it wastes too much plastic and outline for research thesis pollutes the rain forests and does all kids of bad stuff. it takes too long too make them when we could be making other things like toys and video games we could also make more resources and books importance try to with thesis recycle and make more trees and things like that. If you use plastic water bottles you will wreck the earth and you will be making yourself sick and you will infect others. Books. If we just don't use plastic water bottles then we will be making a difference in infant toddler, the world and be making an inpact on importance life and toddler essays animals.this is very inportant in life and your own health and inpact on life. Listen to me cuz your life will be better and recycled safley while being safe form infections and viruses coming out of nowhere. People need to books be more responsible. If people are on the go, bottled water is not the only option. If people exercise responsibility and carry reusable water bottles, then they wouldn't feel as if they need to buy bottled water. Consumers need to to bind inform themselves about what they are putting into importance their bodies and realize that oftentimes bottled water=tap water. The plastic PET they are drinking from leaches toxins such as BPA, which is far worse than anything they think they're getting from their taps. They are destroying the planet that we all depend on! The oceans are filling up with plastic and are having an infant toddler impact on sea creatures and those that feed upon them such as us humans. This sort of behavior is not going to stop on it's own. People and large companies alike do what is books importance essay easy but not always what is in the best interest of humanity. Governments need to be the ones to take action and stop the interior design papers, use of all the plastic! I agree that bottled water should be banned, not only for the waste it creates, but because it treats water as a commodity for profit. The plastic water bottles leak chemicals after a period of time. The plastic bottles are not usually recycled, and end up in landfills and waterways, polluting the environment. The water contained in the bottles is importance essay usually tap water, and is not currently regulated. Research Papers. By selling water, it treats it as a commodity for profit, when most people feel water (like air) should be free. Some communities have already banned the sale of bottled water, and it has made a difference in the amount of books importance, trash going into landfills. the bottles are bad for the environment and our health. we should banned them because the factorys waist there money to create such a waist that just makes the earth worse and if they are banned then we can use that money to nus where give to one of those places that dont even have water. 25% of bottled water today is just tap water, sometimes purified and sometimes not. Companies such as Aquafina, Dasani, Crystal, etc. are just tap water. The only bottled water that is pure and natural spring water is Poland Spring. Books. The many bottles made are sent to landfills and harm the slade dissertation, environment so why have the bottles? absolutely not only are alot of cities but. it kills the enviorment but it factories that make them pollute the air maybe if every one started to recycle them it would help but the factories are still out there.another thing is 60 million get made a day and im guessing at THE LEAST half of books essay, it get thrown in to the garbage/land fill. Even if tap water is dirty, you can easily clean it out with leaves, moss, and thesis some water cleanser(you can buy it at importance essay, the store). Design Papers. If you make tap water clean, you can drink clean water without ruining the essay, environment. It doesn't do much harm to the world. These water bottles may seem like a dangerous thing to keep making, but it is narrative on skydiving important to have these bottles! There is books importance a village in Guatemala that builds new, improved schools and houses with the plastic bottles from their dump! I think the government should stop making them in such large groups, not ban them entirely! Some people NEED to use them for things. I oppose the banning of infant, bottled water because it has its place as a convenient source of ready to go water. I oppose the banning of bottled water because it is a convenient source of portable water however steps should be taken to reduce its unnecessary use. Much of the bottled water on the market is not cleaner than filtered water from your fridge. Reusable water bottles should be encouraged whenever and wherever possible. Many companies have started to use biodegradable and recycled plastic to address the books importance, waste problem.. People need bottled water. What would we do without it? Especially when we are out on the road, on a piping hot day. What would we do, switch to interior research papers glass bottled water? Well, that's not safe. Restaurants don't want to importance give out narrative free water. There aren't public water fountains. You must have bottled water for people's safety. Besides, we now pay a bottle tax on those waters, so they can be recycled. Ban something else. or educate people on recycling. But banning a legal FDA approved product because of its container doesn't make sense. This ban is importance driving people to buy soda or Gatorade products, which come in heavy plastic bottles. Concord business owners have already seen the shift to sugary drinks, no one asks for a fresh glass of tap water. Sugary drinks, encouraging recycling, lead and other contaminants. Why would anyone ban water bottles exclusively when it's the most necessary element in our lives? Why not ban sugary drinks, soda, etc. that are packaged the same way? I recycle every water bottle I buy and encourage my children to take water with them wherever they go. Hydration is best achieved with water and who needs all those sugars or artificial ingredients in the other marketed (plastic bottled and more expensive) drinks? We also have a high lead content in our area and in essay, our home water. Tell me that every germ infested unfiltered water fountain is a healthy alternative and I will taunt you some more. Bottled water should not be banned because of the waste it creates, because it is sometimes the best option available to people. While I agree that bottled water can seem wasteful, especially when you take into consideration the plastic waste that end up in landfills, I think it's a necessary product. It's the importance essay, best, and sometimes the only choice, when people are away from a source of tap water. Bags. Long before it became a common staple in many homes, bottled water was used by industries as a way of providing water for employees in importance essay, out of the way places, such as coal mines. I think a better option than an outright ban would be a tax or deposit on the bottles to encourage their reuse. Bottle water should not be banned. Bottled water should not be banned because in China our Thailand, the water is very dirty. I'll admit that people do waste plastic water bottles and that bottles do pollute the earth. But give yourself a reality check and interior design research look at how many people need this clean water. Victims of essay, natural disasters are in dissertation, desperate need of clean water. Think of books importance essay, how many storms, earthquakes, etc. Have happened in design research papers, the past, and are happening now. The U.S. Not only sends bottled water around the books importance essay, victims in it's own country, but also sends relief supplies to other countries also. Take the Philippines for example, the U.S. Essays. Sent at least more than 200,000 liters of bottled water to help the importance essay, victims. Imagine what would happen if bottled water was banned. Think of the lives that would be dehydrated and how many people will die because the lack of fresh water. This is just one of the many reasons bottled water shouldn't be banned, there are plenty other reasons that I would love to explain that I just can't explain right now due to custom paper uk the nagging of my mom telling me to get off the computer. Bottled water does not need to be banned because of the waste, though it would be nice if there were a deposit/return program. Yes, bottled water does create a lot of importance essay, waste both in the production and disposal of the custom, bottles. However, there are good reasons for making it available. The disposal process just needs to be improved and people do need to be encouraged to carry reusable bottles whenever possible. But in emergencies, such as New Orleans and Haiti, it is much more important to books importance essay get water to people in slade dissertation, need and take care of books importance, disposal problems later. Perhaps if user and distributer bore equal responsibility for wise use and disposal, a sensible solution could be found. Banning the narrative, bottle hurts those who cannot trust the tap. Bottled water is a luxury in many places. Designer water with extra minerals, high fizz, imported abroad or with triple filtration is as much a status symbol as a luxurious extra health kick. Books. However, for many who live in areas with old pipes, poor water quality, or uncertain tap water, bottled water is the only way to ensure safe water. Bottled water is also a relief supply to be distributed after a disaster, like hurricanes. It saves lives when it is stored and kept for those times when the water is outline for research paper thesis turned off. Bottled water is not the books, immoral act, it is the failure to recycle those bottles that is on skydiving wrong.

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The women of “The Trial” by Franz Kafka Essay. “The Trial”, a novel written by Franz Kafka, has been considered to be one of the greatest novels of the 20th century. However, it has also been greatly controversial, and has gone from importance essay, being burned, to being praised since its publication. Paper Bags! Throughout The Trial, Kafka had created a surrealistic atmosphere, which is not only evident by the events in the book, but also by the characters. Particularly, the women in the novel are peculiar, and importance essay, have various bizarre effects on the protagonist, Joseph K. The characterization of these women is quite complex, and paper with thesis, varies from them having insignificant, to books essay, significant roles. As the novel progresses, the women in the novel become increasingly important. Thesis! In the books essay beginning of custom paper, “The Trial”, we are introduced to women such as Frau Grubach, who has an insignificant role in his trial, to Elsa, to Fraulein Bustner, to the washer woman, and finally Leni, who has significant information involving his trial. However, even though these women all have some humane characteristics, they also all seem to books essay, be quite surreal. In the narrative essay very beginning of the novel, the landlady, Frau Grubach is importance, introduced. K. mentions her in the first paragraph when he is with, describing her, and his breakfast’s absence. We are told that Frau Grubach regards K. highly, and he is her favorite border, however she seems to lack interest, and avoids involvement with K.’s case, reacting in ways that make K. think to himself “She seems to think it not quite right that I should mention it. All the books importance more need for me to do so. I could not mention it to anyone but this old woman.” This not only reveals that K. believes she is acting awkwardly when he mentions the arrest, but it also reveals K.’s need for support, and how he could not have mentioned it to narrative essay, anyone else at the time. It is also evident that Frau Grubach cares about K., and that she is on importance, his side, but seems to think it unnecessary for her to know a lot about the trial, even if “it is a matter of your happiness, and I really have that at interior design, heart, more perhaps than I should, for I am only books importance essay your landlady”. This shows that even though she cares, she knows her position, and tries not to cross the outline for research paper with line of having K. be nothing more to him than a border. Subsequently in the novel, we are introduced to Elsa, who works as a waitress in a wine restaurant. He mentions her when contemplating about whether or not to visit her that night or not. It is books importance essay, quite clear that they are on good terms; otherwise he would not go to visit her so late in the night. However, she is not mentioned further in the book, so it is paper thesis, likely that she and K. Importance Essay! are just having a sexual relationship. This is a possibility because of her absence throughout K.’s trial, thus making the reader believe she is not important to him, yet they are also friendly enough for him to pay her visits late at for research with, night. The following woman present in the book is books importance essay, Fraulein Burstner. Fraulein Bustner is a resident at the same house. K. was earlier told by Frau Grubach that Fraulein Bustner comes home late at nights, and that she has seen her with various men. This is an indication that she has something more than a friendship with these men. As Fraulein Grubach described, “…she should have more pride, should keep herself more to herself. This very month I have met her twice already on outlying streets, and each time with a different gentlemen.” When K. was told this, he had a “sudden fury”, which warns her not to speak this way about narrative essay on skydiving Fraulein Bustner again. This shows that K. has a certain liking to Fraulein Bustner, and that he regards her quite highly. When K. waits for Fraulein Bustner to come back, it is late and she is books importance essay, tired, but she insists on talking with her. However, their conversation loses its confidentiality, when it is obvious that the neighbor is slade gellin, listening in. In order to calm her down, K. kissed her in order to avoid her from losing control, and waking up the other neighbors. K. eventually is forced to importance essay, leave, when she becomes uneasy with the interior design research papers fact that he is in her room. This is very strange, because it seems as if she is more uneasy about the fact that he is in the room, rather than the fact that he kissed her. This is surely a factor as to why she does not seem real. The next woman K. has involvement with, is the washerwoman in the court, who is books importance, married to the Court Ushers. This washerwoman gets on K. very angry during his first day in trial, due to a commotion by her and a student having physical contact with each other in the middle of his speech. Infant Essays! This makes him furious, and so when he sees her again the following Sunday, he does not take any interest in her, until she makes a move on him. However, she is taken away once again by the following student, and he has his way with her. Books! This is surely surreal, due to the fact that no woman would tolerate having a man have his way with her so easily and publicly if she were married. Interior Design Research Papers! It is books essay, definitely absurd, and the fact that she believes it isn’t bad, by exclaiming “Let him alone! Oh please, let him alone!” when K. To Bind Thesis! tries to save her, makes her even more absurd. “I’ll go with you wherever you like, you can do with me what you please, I’ll be if I can only books get out of here for a long time, and I wish it could be forever.” When the washerwoman says this, it is evident to to bind, K. that she is books, easy access for opening another sexual relationship, and paper, is furious when he is deprived of essay, it by paper with another man. This also shows that she is peculiar due to the fact that she has a husband, and doesn’t even regard the books importance essay bond to have any meaningfulness. The following woman we are introduced to is the lawyers nurse, Leni. Outline For Research Paper Thesis! She sets up a plan in essay, order to lure K. out from having a conversation with the lawyer, in order for her to have her way with him. She confesses what she planned, and slade, then they get physically involved. This is extremely strange, because they hadn’t even met formally, but she had already wanted something from essay, K. A woman of that time would have most likely not have been so open to sexual acts, especially in her masters own house. This is totally unreal, however Kafka seems to have a method of research, writing, which makes this all seem quite normal at the time of reading. Furthermore, it is not customary for a woman at that time to give a man she barely knows a key to her masters house. It is extremely out-of-the-ordinary. In a patriarchal society such as the one they live in at the time, would certainly not tolerate such acts. Essay! It is as if K. is using these women in order to forget about his trial, and so it does not take over his life. However, he does not involve himself with women in high society, and just uses them as material possessions rather than people, which do not require high social status in order for his lust to be fulfilled. However, as the book progresses, the women he is involved with are more involved with the case. For example, the thesis washerwoman and importance essay, Leni have information about the case, as opposed to Fraulein Bustner or Elsa. Thus, in the end, he does benefit from these sexual relationships; however he could have probably tried to find better methods for receiving information. They all have surreal roles throughout the novel, and are in conclusion not like real people. Design Research Papers! All five women he is involved with during the trial are peculiar, and are only books essay involved with him so he can receive information or a sense of serenity within the course of the trial. All of the women except for Frau Grubach are thought of as having sexual activity with him, and are flirtatious. Outline For Research With! They have no opinions, feelings, or thoughts on K.’s current situation; they seem more like objects, than real people. University/College: University of Arkansas System. Type of paper: Thesis/Dissertation Chapter. Date: 4 August 2016. Let us write you a custom essay sample on The women of “The Trial” by Franz Kafka. for only $16.38 $13.9/page. Haven't found the Essay You Want? Get your custom essay sample. For Only $13.90/page. 3422 Old Capitol Trail, Suite 267, Wilminton, DE 19808, USA.
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