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essay outline the main features of utilitarianism

The Research Paper Factory. Home Page Current: Outline Main Features Utilitarianism. Outline Main Features Utilitarianism. In chapter five of corrections Utilitarianism, John Stuart Mill attempts to correlate the human sentiments of justice with the doyle, principles of his Utilitarian doctrine. His task is to identify whether justice exists by itself or is derived by other sentiments. In so doing, he must also identify the range of corrections our conceptions of justice to determine whether his theory can suitably address the demands of moral thinking. Mill does not describe every variety of the human notion of justice -- he could not have. My Country- Mackellar! The. Words: 1113 - Pages: 5. Explain the main features of the theory of Utilitarianism The theory of Utilitarianism takes its name from the essay corrections, Latin word Utilis, meaning ‘useful’. Apa Style First Page Essay! It was first developed by corrections, Jeremy Bentham, a philosopher and legal theorist of the 18th century. Bentham sought to produce a modern and rational approach to morality which would suit the changing society of the molecular genetics essay, industrial age. Utilitarianism may be regarded as a relativist and teleological system of ethics, prescribing no fixed moral rules and. Words: 1010 - Pages: 5. Utilitarianism Overview 1. Fundamental Tenets of Utilitarianism 2. Standards of corrections Utility/History of Utilitarianism 3. The Utilitarian Calculus 4. Act and Rule Utilitarianism 5. Dorothea Mackellar! Criticisms of Utilitarianism 6. Concluding Assessment Basic Insights of Utilitarianism n The purpose of morality is to make the world a better place. n Morality is corrections about producing good consequences, not having good intentions n We should do whatever will bring the most benefit. Words: 1813 - Pages: 8. Textual Analysis of analysis Obituary/Sense of essay corrections Myself—Outline Choose either Obituary or Sense of prompt 1 Myself. I choose to write about ______Obituary __________________ Tentative thesis: Tell what you think your chosen text is about. What themes are present? Make an argument about essay, how your text helps you to think differently about 1 of those themes. Write your argument here: Some themes are: 1. Standard English and dialect 2. Prompt 1! Shame and inferiority. Words: 653 - Pages: 3. Utilitarianism ENG300 Information Literacy Assessment [Type the author name] This paper will discuss utilitarianism, its origins and essay, how we can apply it to our lives today. On Frankenstein! I will show what would happen if everyone adopted this code of ethics and reasoning, and why I chose it. Utilitarianism What is Utilitarianism? According to our textbooks, utilitarianism is the ethical system which believes that which is ethical is what will bring the greatest good or. Words: 865 - Pages: 4. Using utilitarianism to analysis both costs and benefits of corrections Ford may be considered as a moral and immoral action and this belongs to each person and each customer. Therefore, before making the last decision that whether redesign or not to ap bio essay, ensure bringing the greatest benefits for the greatest people Ford’s managers should do several steps below. First, they should examine preference of customers to research what they want. Then, they collect their ideas to choose the corrections, best decision that. Words: 406 - Pages: 2. Gough Whitlam Gough Whitlam Did Gough Whitlam impact Australians lives when he implemented policies? Did he contribute to the post war development? At the time he was prime minister, writes Richard Holt. Prime Minister Gough Whitlam came to power at the end of 1972. He’s main objective I believe was to make Australia well known. Whitlam had already reformed the Labor Party's policy platform prior to coming to power. While he was prime minister he introduced many policies to do with. Words: 489 - Pages: 2. intrinsic value, while eudaimonism states that only happiness has intrinsic value, and that happiness is more than just pleasure. Though some of the aspects of molecular utilitarianism are certainly attractive, there is one main flaw to this moral theory. This belief states that the only important factor to be considered when making a decision, is the outcome. Utilitarianism fails to consider the action or motive involved in the choice. Corrections! These two factors are of the utmost importance in the decision making. Words: 727 - Pages: 3. September 26, 2010 Response Paper #1 – Utilitarianism Poor children of all color are being looked upon as hopeless. Teachers refuse to teach them because they see it as worthless. Within their schools, there is ap bio molecular genetics so much poverty that the schools lack the corrections, funds to make necessary improvements. The broken down schooling environment and prompt 1, a likely poor home situation are stopping these kids from having a good learning environment. A good education could make kids more well off, bettering their. Words: 1225 - Pages: 5. Thomas Dang Professor Decker English 1B 21 November 2012 Outline 1. Essay! Introduction: One of the biggest concerns in America in the past and in today’s time is what the essays on frankenstein themes, required and essay, appropriate drinking age should be in my country- analysis essay the United States. There has been statistics showing that the drinking has been lowered before and in that time period there were more accidents occurring more than when the drinking age were set at twenty-one. 1. Background: The twenty first amendment in 1933, it gave. Words: 435 - Pages: 2. doctrine to be one of immediate pleasure; a doctrine that will stop people from accelerating their development and enriching their character through knowledge. Essay! The critique addresses the essay, focus of utilitarianism as a doctrine that emphasizes immediate and corrections, animalistic pleasures and apa style page essay, turns them into corrections, the main reason for being. Mill’s response is trying to reconcile the idea of a dual man, one that enjoys animalistic pleasures as well as, what the ap bio molecular genetics essay, author calls, superior pleasures that come with. Words: 506 - Pages: 3. Alison Chastain Feature Paper: Final Draft Paul Mielke A devastating illness left this courageous Texan teenager wondering if the sport he once starred in was lost to him forever. Until, his favorite quarterback gives back to this big time Baylor fan the joy of playing football. A few years ago, Paul Mielke was the fastest player and the star quarterback of the essay corrections, Katy, Texas Youth Football League. “I knew I wanted to essay, play professional football from a young age,” Paul said. Growing up in. Words: 915 - Pages: 4. Traditionally, the basis of utilitarianism is to do what will result in the greatest good for the most amount of people. However, in the article I read; Analyzing Insider Trading from the Perspectives of Utilitarian Ethics and Rights Theory written by Robert McGee, McGee described that as a bit of an outdated perspective. Essay Corrections! He instead gave a description of what he sees as the “modern utilitarian position”, where in order for something to essays, be considered ethical, the gains would simply need to. Words: 620 - Pages: 3. acceptable. There are five aspects that Aquinas applies to a situation these are: Worship, ordered society, reproduction, learning and defending the innocent. I am going to essay corrections, apply these five elements to utilitarianism as a whole so we can see why Aquinas would disagree with Bentham and Mills theory. Worship, does the action involve worshiping gods needs ? Utilitarianism doesn’t worship gods needs as its main focus is the needs of society and the individual so it neglects God completely. Words: 1587 - Pages: 7. Sales Compensation SALES COMPENSATION PLAN FEATURE Design, Communication, and Administration Methodology Application of Performance Yardsticks Mix of Fixed and Incentive Compensation Actual Total Cash Compensation Paid DIFFERENCES IN SALES COMPENSATION PLAN DESIGN “THE BEST” (29 companies) Sales compensation design begins with tying sales compensation goals to the business objectives of the company in a direct way. The selling job is molecular genetics subsequently carefully defined in terms of. Words: 547 - Pages: 3. Outline important concepts of Utilitarianism. Essay Corrections! (21) Utilitarianism is a theory which denotes actions that are right and wrong from there consequences. There are three types of Utilitarianism, act, rule and preference. Act Utilitarianism was initially developed by charlotte whitton, the theorist and psychological hedonist, Jeremy Bentham who believed that our main aim in corrections life was to achieve 'happiness' and essays on frankenstein, avoid 'pain'. He wanted to produce a different approach to moral decision making to essay corrections, suit the advancing. Words: 1561 - Pages: 7. Utilitarianism is a normative ethics theory that holds that the proper course of action is one that maximizes utility or happiness and the reduction of suffering. In utilitarianism, the moral worth of an action is determined by its resulting outcome. It is a form of consequentialism that is result-oriented and prompt 1, pragmatic. A thing or action has value outside of corrections itself and the end result justifies the means by which it was achieved. Francis Hutcheson, under whom Hume studied, espoused the idea. Words: 633 - Pages: 3. Explain how moral decisions should be made according to Act utilitarianism and Rule Utilitarianism. (30) The crucial difference between Jeremy Bentham's Act and John Stuart Mill's Rule Utilitarianism is their usage of the hedonic calculus. Bentham's Act Utilitarianism requires the on frankenstein themes, use of the calculus in every single situation whilst Mill abandons it altogether. For example, a true Act Utilitarian would use the corrections, hedonic calculus to charlotte, decide whether he should eat eggs, waffles or both for breakfast. Words: 1055 - Pages: 5. Utilitarianism: Utilitarianism has the considerable attraction of replacing moral intuition with the corrections, congenially down-to-earth idea of essays on roddy doyle human happiness as a measure of justice. According to utilitarianism theory actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of essay happiness. Pleasure and freedom from mackellar, pain, are the only things desirable as ends; and all desirable things, are desirable either for essay the pleasure. Words: 677 - Pages: 3. Ward in anticipation of essays a suitable heart for transplanting. Essay! His wife Joanie is a stay at home mother with no training beyond high school and no occupation, Jerry is the intermediate level supervisor at essays on roddy doyle flooring distributing business and essay corrections, 5-year short of his retirement’(Internet, 2014) entitlement. For two main reasons, first, ‘his heart is on frankenstein themes impaired due to essay, the use of ap bio molecular essay steroids in his early 20s when he was involved with bodybuilding before the dangers of steroid use were fully known’(Internet, 2013. Words: 935 - Pages: 4. Assignment 2: Outline List of corrections References Marquis S. Manuel Strayer University Hypothesis: Anyone that joins the military not only is serving their country but also is agreeing to gives up their human rights or freedom. Sociological Concepts: Human rights or liberties would include A. The condition of being free from restriction or control. B. Essays On Frankenstein! The right of power to act, believe, or express of one’s self in any manner of choice C. A condition of essay corrections being physically and legally free. Words: 264 - Pages: 2. We would like to acknowledge the presence of our president, our executive pres, our guest speaker, board of trustees, administrators, parents and guest, thank you so much for being part of this wonderful day that marks our transition, from apa style first essay, academic life to higher spectrum of society, the professional world, I cant help myself from smiling to the idea that us, your siblings, or your, children are in the work, could your parents could still remember the first time, they saw them in the nursery. Words: 662 - Pages: 3. PHIL 1 1 May 2013 Utilitarianism: Ethics Many people in essay this generation are living a media influenced lifestyle based on having “no regrets” and not taking into account the effects their irresponsible behavior may result in. The world would turn into pure chaos if people lived with “no regrets,” each individual must live and my country- dorothea mackellar analysis essay, know their regrets; a person should learn and build off of the mistakes that either they or someone else has made in the past. John Stuart Mill’s ethical theory of. Words: 1566 - Pages: 7. of the corrections, destination document. You edit a pasted object using editing features of the destination program. For example, when you select an Excel worksheet in an Excel workbook, click the Copy button on Excel’s Home tab, and then click the Paste button on Word’s Home tab, each row in the Excel Worksheet become a separate paragraph in the Word document and essays, each column in separated by a tab character. * Embed. When you embed an object, like a pasted object, it becomes part of the. Words: 1322 - Pages: 6. the main categories of their products, which are: Bakery, Produce, Wine, Meat & Seafood and Cheese & Dairy. Visitors can easily learn about their products, and immediately know that they don't offer items outside of those categories. Also, categories are correctly marked to always show where the visitor is. Essay! Design Features Page Layout 1. Page is centered (I think in liquid page layout) 2. Consistent navigation area 3. Main navigation links are clearly and consistently. Words: 1968 - Pages: 8. UTILITARIANISM Ethics is a branch of philosophy that is concerned with what is morally good and analysis essay, bad or right and wrong. It is the core value system we use in corrections life when solving our daily problems. Essays On Frankenstein! Ethics was developed on a wide variety of corrections factors and are not the absolute rules. People build their lives from personal ethics; however many people find it difficult to define ethics. Apa Style Essay! Some people believe that ethics is derived from the essay, inner voice, which guides us through our daily. Words: 832 - Pages: 4. Outline the Functions of the Main Cell Components. have two layers. There are a lot of fluid filled globules/bags that are by prompt 1, the main sack which are called vesicles. Essay Corrections! The function of the prompt 1, Golgi apparatus is packaging proteins for delivery outside of the cell. Corrections! It also produces lysosomes. Prompt 1! Lysosomes: These are known as the digestive enzymes. These are found in the cytoplasm of corrections a cell and are also produced by the Golgi apparatus. Inside lysosomes are enzymes that are capable of digesting all major chemical components in living cells and are often called suicide bags. They travel through the cell and are able to destroy old or damaged organelles and in some cases destroy cells. Another function of lysosomes are to destroy any bacteria that shouldn’t be inside the cell. Words: 562 - Pages: 3. (i) Examine the key features of utilitarianism (21) (ii) To what extent are the concepts undermined by relevant criticisms (9) Utilitarianism was founded by essays, the scholar Jeremy Bentham in the time in which both enlightenment (the point at which people were starting to turn to science over religion) and the industrial revolution ( when an influx of people flocked to the cities to essay corrections, find work- this caused extreme poverty, poor living conditions and an outbreak of disease and death. Words: 498 - Pages: 2. Providence Mwiseneza BUSN 120 Discussion 2 Utilitarianism is commonly identified with the rule of producing” the greatest good for the greatest number” but I believe they should be exceptions for example child labor even thou it help those under privileged children to bring food on the table we must think in the long run, what will happen to their country since their the essays on frankenstein, future generation. When they say everyone have rights “to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and later on. Words: 251 - Pages: 2. Utilitarianism Utilitarianism was founded by essay, Jeremy Bentham and was adopted by John Stuart Mill, whose father was an associate of Jeremy Bentham. Utilitarianism is an ethical theory holding that the proper course of action is the one that maximizes the ap bio genetics, overall happiness or pleasure for all the people involved, by whatever means necessary. The moral worth of an action is determined only by its resulting outcome; therefore utilitarianism is only concerned with consequences and not with. Words: 683 - Pages: 3. MGMT 341 - Ethics in Business Professor Gini Fall 2014 Final Study Guide Prompt #2 • What is leadership? • How would you define a leader? • In your estimation, what are the five key jobs, tasks, and/or responsibilities of essay corrections being a leader. • Besides B. Clinton, A. Lincoln, G. Washington, or your parents give me a personal example of a good leader. • Why is the first page, Enron case a bad example of leadership? • Why is the Malden Mills case a good example of corrections leadership? Outline What Is Leadership. Words: 606 - Pages: 3. you could not reach both physically and mentally. Lifting every other day and running in between lifts wears you down but helps you to get better on prompt 1, the field. In high school most coaches had a routine lift and running program that became easy after a while. In college the running and lifting is different every day. One day of essay corrections workouts is legs only where the main drills are squats and essays on frankenstein themes, different types of corrections lunges. Another day could be upper body lifts where the workout incorporates pull ups, push. Words: 2598 - Pages: 11. specifically targeted new mothers is an example of utilitarianism because Nestlé’s marketing strategy only focused on the end result of their actions, which in this case was to increase market share and profit in a competitive market environment. First Page! Over the next few years there were several other negative articles published which involved Nestlé and the breast milk substitute controversy. In 1977 a newly formed coalition called the Infant Formula Action Coalition (INFACT) started a boycott. Words: 1064 - Pages: 5. the main point and purpose of the Program. -more- Nickolas Hallman, 24, Graduate, led praise and worship which was a very emotional part of the program as students reflected on how God is yet a healer in the midst of this thing called "cancer". Essay! The Baptist Student Movement Praise Dancers performed a dance entitled, "Its Not Over" (When God Is in It). This song was very inspiring and gave hope to several students who currently have a family member dealing with this disease; it definitely. Words: 391 - Pages: 2. A Utilitarian's Moral Solution Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation A Utilitarian's Moral Solution Utilitarianism holds that the morally right course of action in a situation is that action that produces the charlotte essays, highest balance of essay corrections benefits over charlotte whitton essays harms for the affected people. In this case, we are looking for the cause of essay corrections action that produces the ap bio molecular essay, maximum benefit for essay corrections everyone (Sheng, 1991). Mackellar Analysis Essay! Available Causes of Action There are two causes of action available in corrections this case. The first one is. Words: 389 - Pages: 2. Kimberly Avera Dr. A. Brown, Professor Business Ethics 368 September 5, 2015 Utilitarianism Unlike so many methods which try to define morality, utilitarianism philosophers simply believed that morality is about happiness and not about following rules. Molecular! It is essay corrections ultimately the child of egoism and Kantian duty. Often defined as what views are best for individuals and the people that may surrounded by them who will be affected by the actions taken. Utilitarianism can be describe in two units. Words: 1112 - Pages: 5. Utilitarianism Essay Shirnel Charles Grand Canyon University: PHI-305 Ethical Thinking in Liberal Arts Instructor John Wise September 21, 2014 The Story of Ethics states that the point of the Utilitarian theory is to conceptualize exactly what is good life by prompt 1, “bringing about consequences of a certain sort that is the greatest happiness for the greatest number” (The Story of Ethics). Corrections! The Story of molecular Ethics also states that the Utilitarian principle of greatest happiness for the greatest. Words: 992 - Pages: 4. Paper 1 Outline and Notes The Selling of Joseph Thesis: During the age of Samuel Sewall, a time where both slavery and religion were prevalent aspects of an everyday society, Sewall outlined within a three page pamphlet titled “The Selling of Joseph”, the great differences between Sewall’s views, opinions, and even contradictions of natural rights as well as slavery, where he uses scripture and essay corrections, his own developed worldview pertaining to racism, and the general population’s. I. Words: 373 - Pages: 2. ). Bentham attempt to quantify pleasures and pains and calculate the total pleasure from an essays on roddy, action would be known as Act-Utilitarianism. The main idea of essay Act-Utilitarianism is that the right action in charlotte a particular situation is the essay corrections, one that produces the first essay, greatest amount of pleasure for all those affect using the Hedonic Calculus. Later in corrections the 19th century, a British philosopher called John Stuart Mill modified Bentham’s theory in two important ways. Ap Bio! Although, Bentham attracted many moral agents. Words: 1910 - Pages: 8. popularity of De La Salle Araneta University among international students, etc…—and write a 500-word story about that trend. Essay! Interview and quote at least two sources for the story and include their contact information on a separate sheet. Your feature should explore and on roddy, analyze of why this trend is essay important and interesting. Please email your features to apa style, me at essay corrections and don’t forget to ap bio genetics essay, provide hard copies. Writing features should be in essay Times New Roman, 10, double-spaced and. Words: 475 - Pages: 2. Jeremy Bentham was an English philosopher and political radical. Ap Bio Molecular Genetics Essay! He is primarily known today for his moral philosophy, especially his principle of utilitarianism, which evaluates actions based upon their consequences. The relevant consequences, in particular, are the overall happiness created for everyone affected by the action. Influenced by many enlightenment thinkers, especially empiricists such as John Locke and David Hume, Bentham developed an corrections, ethical theory grounded in prompt 1 a largely. Words: 1904 - Pages: 8. Utilitarianism Essay Introduction Donna is a devoted wife and mother, whose main focus in life is taking care of her family. She has been married to the love of corrections her life for ten years, and they have an eight year old daughter. One night, she arrived home after a book club meeting to apa style first essay, find her house in flames. She called 911, and then proceeded to enter the house. She called out to her husband and her daughter, but received no response. Corrections! Due to whitton, the late hour, she assumed both of them would. Words: 883 - Pages: 4. Explain the Main Differences Between the Utilitarianism of Bentham and That of Mill. (25) Utilitarianism. Although a student of Bentham, Mill could see problems in what he was being taught and so began to develop his own views in essay his own version called Rule Utilitarianism. Bentham’s main philosophy of Act Utilitarianism is to create the “greatest good for the greatest number”. So for example, if you are in a situation where lying would bring about the greatest good then, you should lie. Utilitarians support the view that it is the value of the consequences of the particular act that. Words: 756 - Pages: 4. supply chain logistics activities, permitting maximum administration of the system and providing you with insights on how to optimize it to fit the particular needs of prompt 1 your operation. PROGRAM AGENDA & OUTLINE Section 1 INTRODUCTION TO GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN LOGISTICS IN THE ENTERPRISE • Definition of Logistics & Supply Chain • Strategic Sourcing • Global Manufacturing • Global Distribution • Global Transportation • Strategic Alliances & Partnering Section 2 TRACKING & TRACING IN REAL. Words: 1621 - Pages: 7. California experience Ice Age conditions? Ⅲ What landscape features resulted from the Pleistocene Epoch glaciations in northern California? Ⅲ How did the corrections, Pleistocene landscape of northern California differ from the modern setting? Northern California.9 Northern California Earthquakes Ⅲ What plate tectonic settings are associated with northern California earthquakes? Ⅲ What is the likelihood of another major earthquake in essays northern California? Ⅲ What might be the essay, effects of a large northern. Words: 29429 - Pages: 118. Theodore Rapanu Introduction to Ethics - Utilitarianism WC: 1406 TA: Jonatan Sennai Larsson Utilitarianism is the essays, view that actions are morally right if and only if they maximize utility, where utility is defined as the balance of corrections pleasure to pain. In this sense, utilitarianism is hedonistic – it considers pleasure to be the singular good, and pain the singular bad. Pleasures and pains are episodic, and prompt 1, the magnitude of essay corrections their effect on essays themes, utility is essay corrections dependent on both duration and intensity. Words: 1497 - Pages: 6. Utilitarianism John Stuart Mill’s ethical theory is genetics essay known as Utilitarianism. Utilitarianism, according to Mill, is about judging the moral rightness/wrongness of an action by looking at if the outcomes produce the best balance of corrections good over bad for all concerned. Mill develops his theory of Utilitarianism through five major tenets; the greatest happiness principle, the definition of happiness, the hierarchy of pleasures, and the impartial spectator. The foundation of Utilitarianism lays in. Words: 1159 - Pages: 5. Outline the Gross Structure of All the prompt 1, Main Body Systems. In this assignment I am going to be outlining all the gross structures of the main body systems and I would also be saying what the system is made out of with a diagram. Main body system • Skeletal System • Muscular System • Nervous system • Respiratory system • Digestive System • Male Reproductive System • Female Reproductive system • Cardiovascular system • Urinary system • Endocrine system 1. Skeletal system The skeletal system is corrections muscle that is molecular essay connected to essay corrections, the. Words: 2143 - Pages: 9. utilitarianism 1. Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism, which states that the consequences of any action are the only standard of right and wrong. This view can be contrasted or combined with virtue ethics which holds virtue as a moral good. Some believe that one's intentions are also ethically important. Singer did account for if bob would have saved the boy then there would be no car yes, but I also think there would have been a way for bob to save the boy as well as save the car. Words: 376 - Pages: 2. they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By happiness is intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; by prompt 1, unhappiness, pain, and the privation of pleasure” (29). There are two main camps of utilitarians: act and rule utilitarians. Act utilitarians believe that an act is right if and only if it results in more good than any alternative, while rule utilitarians believe that an act is right if and essay corrections, only if it is required by a rule that generally leads to whitton essays, the greatest good. Either way.

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online inquiry system thesis

Thesis Advisor: Professor Hal Abelson. Supervised by: Philip Greenspun. The goal of the Online Education System is to provide a set of new capabilities that enhances the traditional classroom experience. By applying the benefits of the Internet to teaching and learning, the system helps the teaching staff perform their duties more efficiently and essay, enhances the students' learning experiences by making a wider range of whitton resources readily accessible. The education system models the classroom as a database-backed Web service, where members of essay each class belong to well-defined groups of users. As a result, these user communities can remotely interact with other users, have asynchronous access to information, and manage their individual roles/contributions as a community member. What does this translate to the system's application to education? Students can obtain help from the teaching staff remotely during online office hours. They can share knowledge and help answer each other's questions when the prompt 1 teaching assistant is essay, not available. The teaching staff can collaboratively develop course materials and distribute them via a centralized mechanism. Instead of collecting student grades from many TAs, each maintaining his/her records differently, professors have immediate access to all student data in a single format, managed by one database. On Frankenstein Themes? Finally, all users have access to essay, a reliable archive of all news, announcements, and whitton, activities that are relevant to essay, them. Command is a Web-based course management and delivery system developed at MIT in conjunction with industry partners like Intel, IBM, and Lotus. It models after the traditional course homepage, which provides a repository for course documents and information. As a result, Command is heavy on course information management and delivery but does not provide enough functionality for collaboration. The system has poor usability by not being very user-centered. For example, the calendar, a high-demand and useful feature, is buried three levels deep. Prompt 1? Command does not provide support for grades and corrections, student evaluation; the user interface has low customizability. Genetics? There is a lack of file versioning, which is important for collaborative course development. Defining course material to just lectures, assignments, and readings, along with the lack of support for grades assessment, limits the system to traditional classroom courses on academic topics. In addition, the system does not provide enough ability for essay professors to develop course material, manage course staff, and keep track of user stats. In summary, Command is a collection of what we currently have as course homepages in apa style essay, one central place but without integration/communication among them. The system is essay corrections, not user-centered, i.e. take advantage of knowing the whitton user's identity and displaying the essay corrections information that is catered to his/her roles. The Educational Fusion project, headed by Professor Seth Teller, takes place in the MIT Computer Graphics Group. Mackellar Analysis? The research focuses on interactive and collaborative algorithm visualization. The technology is aimed at helping students interactively develop algorithms online and to visualize their algorithm's output. Although the essay corrections project has a specific target at learning and essay, applications in a technical area like computer graphics, we might be able to integrate their technology to essay corrections, enhance the online teaching/collaborative experience. But the project is generally different from ours, which provides collaborative education Web service, whereas Educational Fusion focuses on developing technology in the specific area of interactive visualization. The advantage about is it provides a pretty complete set of services to my country- mackellar essay, host and essay, develop course material online and tools to help students collaborate both with the teaching staff and among themselves. Apa Style Essay? However, users of the corrections system do not appear to take full advantage of these collaboration tools because they are not easily accessible. Once you log into the class Web page, it takes 3 more levels to access the virtual chat, for charlotte whitton essays example. In order for students to collaborate online rather than through more conventional ways such as telephone, face-to-face, or even email, collaboration tools must be readily accessible within the essay corrections class site. They should be closely coupled with other features of the first system where students most likely would need collaboration, and these can include assignments, team projects, and corrections, exams. Another improvement that we hope to my country- dorothea mackellar essay, achieve over is integration. hosts many disjoint classes that do not share data among each other. However, a student (especially one at a university) is highly likely to essay, take more than 1 class, and on roddy doyle, a powerful education system should be able to host all of his/her classes via one Web service. This Web service should be capable of integrating information from all of his/her classes and display it in corrections, a useful way. For example, the system should display assignment due dates, upcoming exams, and team meetings for all classes that a student is taking in one single calendar. The student should also be able to essays doyle, view news and announcements for all of his/her classes via one page rather than having to logging into the homepage of corrections each class. Finally, our system is apa style first page, a module that can be adopted and customized as a single Web service by any institution or individual. Essentially, someone who wishes to host a site that gives lessons on composing MIDI can install the education module and run his own Web service. Essay Corrections? This differs from the model because each class is now running under its own service rather than off of the standard service of prompt 1 Corrections? Especially for universities and academic departments, having the page essay system install as a single service is an important advantage because of the ability to customize and fully integrate into the university's existing system. Instead of accessing class sites on, students can log onto, for example. The system is therefore more powerful because we can fully integrate existing department data like student registration and faculty contact information with class-specific data generated by our system. Currently ACS modules range from organizing traditional Web communities and fostering online collaboration to hosting E-commerce services and tracking customer behavior. It has also recently expanded to include online polls and file system management and essay corrections, continues to grow with new modules in dorothea, each release. The education system represents a new venture for the ACS from a general community/collaboration tool or the too specific E-commerce application into a system with new educational focus. The Online Education System will harness existing tools in the ACS to create applications of the system's current capabilities in education and extend it with more specific functionalities that are unique to education, like the administration of online classes, new tools for academic collaboration and mechanism for effective Web-based teaching. The system also manages user information so they can be accessed easily. For example, the professor can find out which students are doing well or badly in essay corrections, the class, who has been most actively helping other students on ap bio molecular, bulletin boards and in chat rooms, and schedules of essay corrections other teach staff so he/she can schedule meetings at a time that the most people can attend. On the other hand, students can easily lookup information about charlotte essays other students, their interests, and availability as potential teammates. At the department level, a Sloan School adminisrator can view reports that show, for example, how much time a teaching assistant has spent online helping students and how student enrollment varies in a particular class over time. A student's academic advisor can also have access to essay, detailed information about the student's performance in a particular class. Content Management and Distribution. A week before the quiz, the professor uploads a draft solution to the quiz and notifies the teaching staff to mackellar, proof read and comment on essay corrections, it. A teaching assistant downloads the apa style first page essay solution, corrects some typos, and uploads the modified version. Later, a recitation instructor downloads what is the updated version and adds an alternative solution to one of the problems. Corrections? After the quiz is administered, the professor goes back, changes the permissions on the solutions file to make it viewable by students in the class. The system also serves as a central place for essay the development, distribution, and submission of assignments. Essay Corrections? The professor should be able to upload an assignment and set its due date. The student should be able to upload his/her solutions to the assignment before the my country- mackellar analysis essay due date, and the teaching assistant can download the student's submission, grade it, and enter an evaluation of the student's assignment into the database. Via the online education system, a student should be able to interact with other students through both asynchronous and synchronous collaboration. Asynchronous collaboration is a more traditional concept in Web-based communities, where users interact with each other through non-real-time forms of communication. Asynchronous collaboration is widespread today via online question and answer forums (e.g. bulletin boards) and essay corrections, email forms. Prompt 1? Synchronous collaboration, on the other hand, is gaining more presence as real-time interaction becomes more crucial in the way people are using the essay Internet today. For our system, synchronous collaboration means students can interact with other students or the class instructor in real-time via a Web browser. A chat forum allows students to discuss an assignment with other students or ask a teaching assistant on duty to explain a concept. A Java-based white board program further enhances synchronous collaboration by allowing exchange of ideas using a real-time drawing program. Offering students the ability to communicate without being limited to first essay, the standard character set on a keyboard is especially useful for class material that involve more than just prose, such as complex equations, drawings, or algorithms. An indelible aspect of the classroom experience is coaching. An instructor should follow a student's progress closely, remind the student if he/she is essay corrections, falling behind, and give detailed feedback about his/her current performance. The online education system hopes to make coaching more efficient for apa style first page the instructor and more ubiquitous and effective for the student. The system can send periodic reminders to the student about their progress on essay, a term project. It should be able to coach students about where they should be in the class readings so they do not fall behind. It should automatically issue warning flags (cc'd to ap bio molecular genetics, his/her academic advisor) to the student who is in danger of failing the essay corrections class. Apa Style Essay? Generally, we are trying to build a system that is the most responsible instructor who infallibly tracks each student's individual progress and knows to devote more attention to students who are falling behind. The Portal: a Customizable View of the System. December 15, 1999 - Site administration Defining and corrections, adding departments, classes, and charlotte essays, subjects Management of user information Setting up the portal January 6, 2000 - Class administration Adding/downloading/submitting assignments/class handouts Grades and student/team evaluations Textbooks Managing/updating class and user properties Dividing students into teams January 31, 2000 - User pages; more class administration Students to view information about class, other students, and instructors Integrating the news module Ways to spam people in the class Students to view feedback on their assignments Students to view information about their teams Allow professors to create bulletin boards and chat rooms for a class Portal February 1, 2000 - Launch beta version for Spring term classes 6.916 bootcamp maybe a Sloan class or two March 1, 2000 - Grades and security Security and permissions More functionality with grades viewing students by their grades for students to view their grades automatically flag students who are in trouble generate grade statistics for class April 15, 2000 - Refining the user experience Get user feedback and refine the user interface Make system easier to essay, use Add more functionality for synchronous collaboration (Java white board) Make additional improvements as necessary.

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