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6 Secrets of Writing a Novel Without an university Outline. Like Steven James’ advice? Get more of it in on competition, Novel Writing, your guide to writing a publishable novel. Order now >> I have a confession to make. When I was in school and a teacher would assign us to write an outline for a story, I’d finish the story first, then go back and write the outline so I’d have something to turn in. Even as a teenager I thought outlining was counterintuitive to the writing process. But outlining is still taught as if it’s “the right way” to shape a story. I have a master’s degree in storytelling and I can’t think of a single time I’ve received instruction on writing a story without an outline. Of Reading Thesis! You’ll hear the importance of plotting out your story trumpeted at writing conferences nationwide, and dissertation if you don’t follow those formulas you’ll be labeled an SOPer (that is, a “seat-of-the-pantser,” or sometimes just a “pantser”—and no, I’m not making this up). Over the last decade, as I’ve taught writing seminars across North America I’ve found that when I advise people to stop outlining and university of reading instead develop a more personalized, organic writing process, I get strange looks as if that goes against some sort of rule. Well, if that’s the on competition, case, I invite you to the rebellion. If you’ve ever wanted to throw away your outline and thesis uncover a story word by word, here’s how to get started. 1. Dissertation Table Of Contents! Re-evaluate what you’ve heard about story. Lots of outliners teach that a story should have three acts. That’s simply not true. Regardless of how many acts or scenes your story has, this is university of reading thesis what it needs to have in order to be effective and on competition law complete: an orientation to the world of the characters, an origination of conflict, an escalation of tension, rising stakes, a moment at which everything seems lost, a climactic encounter, a satisfying conclusion, and of reading thesis a transformation of essays on competition a character or situation (usually both). If you want to of reading divide those into three acts, have at it. Forget, too, what you’ve learned about stories building through “rising action,” as many popular plot graphs would have you believe. Stories build through escalating tension . Simply making more exciting things happen doesn’t ensure that readers will remain interested as the story progresses. Tightening the tension does. That means it’s equally unhelpful to of a higher history think of your story as “character-driven” or “plot-driven.” Describing a character or simply telling us what’s happening will not drive your story forward. Thesis! Tension comes from creative unmet desire. What readers need to know, then, is what your character wants but cannot get, and what he is of reading doing to try to get it. Popular outline and structure “formulas” are filled with misconceptions about what makes a story work. Rather than straightjacketing your story by forcing it into three acts, or trying to map it out as “character-driven” or “plot-driven,” take the organic approach by first simply asking yourself what is truly at the heart of edition your story. Remember: What your story really needs is an orientation, a crisis or calling that disrupts normal life, relentless escalation of tension, and a satisfying climax. Along the way, you’ll need to make sure readers are compelled to empathize and connect with the main character(s), feel enough emotion to stay intrigued by the story, and gain enough insight to thesis see the world with new eyes when they’re done. Focus all of your attention at essays on competition law, the heart of university your story, keeping these essential elements and goals in mind, and you’ll begin to intuitively understand what needs to happen to creative media coursework drive the story forward. When you’re informed about university, what makes a story work, you’re never writing from the seat of your pants. By letting your story develop organically, you’re delving deeper and deeper into the essence of dissertation what storytelling is all about. 2. Let narrative forces rather than formulas drive your story forward. Imagine a giant ball of clay being held by a group of people. As one person presses against the clay, the of reading, clay’s shape changes. The clay is coursework 2013 your story; the people surrounding it represent the narrative forces pressing in upon it to shape it. For example: Escalation: The tension must continue to of reading thesis escalate scene by scene until it reaches a climax after which nothing is of a essay ever the same again. Believability: The characters in your story need to act in contextually believable ways. University Of Reading! All the time. Causality: Everything that happens must be caused by creative media coursework the thing that precedes it. Scenes and setbacks: If nothing is university of reading thesis altered you do not have a scene. If your characters solve something without a setback you do not have a story. Inevitability and surprise: Each scene should end in a way that’s unexpected and yet satisfying to readers. The end of every scene must be not only logical but, in retrospect, the only possible conclusion to that scene. Continuity: Continuity develops through pace (the speed at which things are happening) and narrative energy (the momentum carrying them along). Genre conventions: Readers enter a story with expectations based on on competition their understanding of its genre. You need to be familiar enough with genre conventions to meet or exceed those expectations without resorting to cliches. All of these elements, plus voice, setting, mood and more, press against the story in a continual give-and-take relationship, affecting one another and university thesis forming the mice men, shape of the tale. As you write, constantly look at the pressure each of of reading thesis these concepts places on the story: OK, I need to escalate this chase scene—I had a foot chase before, so I can’t do that again. Maybe a helicopter chase? But will that be believable? Well, I’ll need to foreshadow that someone knows how to fly the helicopter and make it inevitable that they end up at the helicopter landing pad at this moment of the on competition, story. But does that fit in with the pace right here? Can I pull this off without relying on university thesis narrative gimmicks or coincidences? Listen to the story, using questions like those in the sidebar below. It will reveal itself to you as you lean into it. Forget all that rubbish you’ve heard about staying on track and professional editing dissertation not following rabbit trails. Of course you should follow them. It’s inherent to the creative process. Who knows? What you at first thought was just a rabbit trail leading nowhere in particular might take you to a breathtaking overlook that eclipses everything you previously had in mind. Without serendipitous discoveries, your story runs the risk of feeling artificial and prepackaged. Give yourself the freedom to explore the terrain of university of reading thesis your story. Wander daily through your idea field and structure history essay unreservedly embrace the adventure. 4. Write from the center of the paradox. Think of your story as a contract with your readers, an agreement that you will entertain, surprise and satisfy them. University Of Reading Thesis! Every choice that your characters make has an higher history essay implication; every promise you make needs to of reading thesis be fulfilled. The more promises you break, the less readers will trust you. And often, when readers put a book down, that’s exactly why—they’ve stopped trusting that you’re going to fulfill the promises you’ve made. Here are some common ways that outliners may break their contracts with readers: Foreshadow something and fail to make it significant. Introduce a character, make readers care about her, and then drop her from the structure higher essay, story. Develop conflict and then fail to resolve it in a satisfactory way. Have characters act in unbelievable ways. Organic writers are well-equipped to make big promises and then keep them. University Of Reading! We’re never directionless, because we can always work on scenes that fulfill promises we’ve made earlier, or go back and foreshadow the fulfillment of promises we think of as the creative coursework, story takes shape. In storytelling, what will happen informs what is happening, and what is happening informs what did . You cannot know where a story needs to go until you know where it’s been, but you cannot know where it needs to have been until you know where it’s going. And that’s part of the university, fun. I find it helpful to discard the idea of a first draft and think of writing the entire story as an integrated whole. As you pay attention to the choices your characters make and history let the implications of their choices play out on university the page, you’ll find yourself writing your story forward and backward at the same time, weaving in dissertation of contents, narrative elements to thesis create your work intuitively rather than mechanically. 5. Of A History! Trust the fluidity of the process. I love Stephen King’s analogy in his book On Writing comparing stories to of reading fossils that we, the storytellers, are uncovering. To plot out a story is to decide beforehand what kind of dinosaur it is. Essay! King writes, “Plot is, I think, the good writer’s last resort, and the dullard’s first choice.” His analogy helps me to stop thinking of a story as something I create as much as it is something I uncover by of reading thesis asking the right questions . When people outline, they’ll inevitably come up with ideas for scenes that seem important to the plot, but in the resulting manuscript, the transitions between these scenes (in terms of the character’s motivation to structure higher history essay move to university thesis another place or take a specific action) are often weak. On Competition Law! You can usually tell that an thesis author outlined her story when you find yourself thinking, But why wouldn’t the character just …? As you learn to feel out the story by essays law constantly exploring what would naturally happen next, you’ll find your characters acting in more believable and honest ways. Here’s the biggest problem with writing an outline: You’ll be tempted to use it. You’ll get to thesis a certain place and apa 6th edition table stop digging, even though there might be a lot more of that dinosaur left to thesis uncover. So, in practice, how does this work? When you sit down at of a essay, the keyboard each day, what do you do if you don’t have an outline to work from? Reorient yourself to the context. Print out the previous 50 or 100 pages (once a week I find it helpful to do the whole novel) and read it through the of reading thesis, eyes of gcse essay men a reader, not an of reading thesis editor. Media Coursework! Remember, readers aren’t looking for what’s wrong with the story; they’re looking for what’s right with it. Continually ask yourself, What are readers wondering about, hoping for and expecting at this moment in the story? Then give it to thesis them. Draft the scene that would naturally come next. The length and breadth of the scene needs to be shaped by the narrative forces I mentioned earlier. Go back and rework earlier scenes as needed. What you write organically will often have implications on apa 6th edition table the story you’ve already written. Keep track of unanswered questions and unresolved problems. Review them before each read- through of your manuscript. Come up with a system to organize your ideas as they develop. In addition to university of reading thesis files of character descriptions, phrases, clues and so on, I have four word processing files I use to organize my thoughts: 1) Plot Questions, 2) Reminders, 3) Discarded Ideas and 4) Notes. If you find yourself at a loss for what to write next, come up with a way to of a essay make things worse, let the characters respond naturally to what’s happening, write a scene that fulfills a promise you made earlier in the book, or work on university of reading thesis a scene you know readers will expect based on your genre and the story you’ve told so far. Creative Coursework! When you understand the university of reading, principles of good storytelling, you always have a place to start. Move into and out of the story, big picture, small picture, focusing one day on the forest and the next day on the trees. Follow these ideas, and editing dissertation stories will unfold before you. Leave outlining to English teachers. Let the rebellion begin. 36 thoughts on university of reading thesis “ 6 Secrets of Writing a Novel Without an Outline ” Good article. I’m so tired of being told that not outlining is for beginners! Here’s an article I wrote some time back, and I too drew the analogy of a sculptor — but one who works in essays on competition, stone! Ooops! I only just realised that this is a very old article! It popped up in of reading, my Facebook today, and I didn’t check the date. Yay. I make basic outlines so I don’t forget names and basic thoughts. I am glad outlines aren’t so nessacary for a story. Obviously for play or movie you do need to write it out bit more and out line it etc and coursework write out a script. I loved this article. It was what I needed to hear. Sad, but I hadn’t even considered that there was such a thing at outline-less writing. University! I’ve never gotten too far into the planning and structure stage and biology gcse coursework typically end up with lots of piles of not much. I tend to get bogged down in university of reading, details. On Competition Law! Everything from drawing maps to of reading thesis details about character clothing. I recently began writing during my lunch hour and professional dissertation am just posting whatever I do in that time. Thesis! Not worrying about dialogue or punctuation beyond what comes quickly to me – just following the structure higher history, thread of my thought. I realized I’d have to do some rewriting on the weekends but think it could work for me. It became obvious that I need some sort of guiding principles though and university of reading my searching turned up this article. I just ran across this article. I feel like we need a live debate between you and K.M. Weiland (look her up if you don’t know who she is) regarding outlining. She’s as much for it as you are against it–she has a whole book on it. LOL. I have mixed feelings about outlining, but despite a bachelors degree in creative writing (summa cum laude) and on competition a successful non-fiction writing career, was never one for the sort of outlining typically recommended. I don’t feel like I write entirely by thesis the seat of my pants either. Full disclosure: I am a fan of essays on competition law John Truby, author of The Anatomy of Story , and his 22 steps. So what I do is work through most of the exercises in university, his book, working out the premise, character details, desires, conflict, story world, etc. Apa 6th Of Contents! Then I jot down ideas for scenes and try to cover each of his 22 steps. This process inevitably takes on the form of an outline. Doing this helps me figure out if my story idea has any legs. Then I set it aside and just write. I really don’t look at any of the prep work again until I finish the university thesis, first draft–unless I think of something for the story world or characters that I didn’t capture there. Gcse 2013! I do that just to have a continuity reference. For me, it’s not totally about whether I remembered the exact scenes I thought of or every detail of the outline I created. Just doing that prep work organizes my creative process while still allowing me to create the actual story organically. So my point is, in of reading, order to be successful, each writer has to do what works for him or her. Of course, if you are not getting anywhere with whatever you are doing (outlining or not, or some hybrid), a writer should also be willing to consider a different approach. English Essay Men! 😉 Although there have been many comments about HOW the information was given, I feel that the university of reading thesis, techniques offered will help greatly in my writings. The only question I have is gcse coursework Where are the “questions like those in the sidebar below”?? Has anyone else found the sidebar?? It needed to university of reading be in the outline. I have been reading your posts for quite a while now and I keep them in a file for when I can get the time to read. So, sorry it’s taken so long to get to this one! WHICH IS EXCELLENT BEYOND WORDS. I love everything you write and you’re totally my favorite WD writer. Can I just tell you, this article has validated EVERYTHING I have believed about writing, which I’ve always been told is the wrong way to do things! I LOVE THIS ARTICLE! Of course, despite all the naysayers, I have always written using my own ‘free-style’ method, with no restrictions on editing dissertation my imagination and no fences around my words to thesis prevent me from exploring every avenue, with the ability to have my stories and characters ACTUALLY take on lives of their own that tell me where the story should go. Keep up the GREAT work. It is truly appreciated! I feel like you are coming out gcse 2013 strong against perhaps some equally too strong proscriptive instruction on how to write, but few of your critiques really speak to me as critiques of the writing process. They are all examples of poor writing – but that poor writing can be a result of university of reading thesis outlining or pantsing. (In the coursework, NaNoWriMo world, pantsing is more normal than outlining, and the term is worn as a badge of honor). I think the university of reading thesis, real issue is that writing contains multiple processes that use different parts of your brain. Putting together a good plot, handling foreshadowing, layering in themes, making sure historical facts are accurate or fantastical laws are consistent… these are very different tasks than following a character (who doesn’t know what will happen next) through their processes of discovery, their failures and triumphs, their joys and their sorrows. I think some people prefer to have some structure to work in first, so that they know where the mice men, boundaries are. It helps them be more free within those lines. University! Others want to roam around until the bump into of a higher history essay the edge, and go, aha! There’s my story. But the university of reading thesis, end result – if the writing is good – will usually satisfy both needs: Having a good story structure that feels organic. The process described here, one of roaming about and then continually evaluating and refining what you have done, is not that different from the professional dissertation, process outliners use. Outliners maybe do some more of that logical structure-oriented work before they start writing, and have less cleanup to do after; but they also have to take a bit more time before they start. Discovery writers are going to do more of that work on the backend. There are positives and negatives to both approach, and either can be used as a crutch if you aren’t careful. And don’t forget people like me, who do a bunch of brainstorming before hand and write many possible outlines, before throwing everything away to jump into of reading thesis a random character and stumble around in the dark. But that process beforehand is important to immerse me in my world and allow me the creative, tools to actually be able to shoot from the hip in a natural way. Thanks for the article! Even though it came off as a little overly rebellious, there’s a lot of good reminders. I think it can help discovery writers remember things to look out for and keep track of. And for outliners, remembering to aim for university, fluidity, and embrace the paradoxes is really good to structure history hear! Thank you so much for this article. I tend to of reading thesis be an outliner, but I don’t stick to my outlines rigidly. My characters seem to biology coursework enjoy blowing them to university of reading bits, so they are really more of a guideline (as Captain Barbosa reminds us.) You don’t know how much it means to read not every follows the three-act structure. On Competition! I have always felt like I was doing something wrong because it doesn’t work for thesis, me. Now I won’t worry about that. I love your advice about following the professional editing, rabbit holes. Some of my most beloved secondary characters were created thanks to those rabbit holes. (I also wrote a lot that I didn’t use, but I consider it worth it; practice makes perfect, right?) Your ideas of university thesis going with the flow mesh with my own experiences. When I just let go and let the characters tell their stories, beautiful things happen. It’s only essays when I get in my own way by forcing myself into preconceived rules/boxes that I experience writer’s block. Thank you again for this. I have it printed out and of reading thesis will be consulting it every time I start a new book or need a little nudge. The way of writing described here is the way I almost always written. While I usually have a mental plan, an idea of where I want the characters to go and how I want the story to end, I never have a formal outline. I usually have a list of characters with their basic information and maybe a note of something important for each to creative media do in the story, but that is university it. Apa 6th Dissertation Table Of Contents! I let the characters find their own way through their story. Thesis! I also do like to go back and re-read from the beginning, which many people have advised me not to do. But I like to biology gcse see how it reads and it gives me the opportunity add in scenes that I realize are needed for future events in the story. It’s nice to hear that I’m not the only one who does this. This article is a machine gun of logic fallacies. If someone wants to thesis write without an outline, more power to her. Professional Dissertation! But don’t use the blatantly flawed logic in university thesis, this article as your rationale: “Lots of outliners teach that a story should have three acts.” According to whom? Outliners say this, but pantsers don’t? That is a general storytelling concept. First you introduce the biology gcse coursework, characters, then you put them in terrible peril or in the middle of a huge conflict, then you kill them, save them, or resolve the conflict (either favorably or unfavorably for them). That has nothing to of reading thesis do without outlining. You want to essays on competition have a bunch of of reading conflict before introducing the characters? Go for professional editing dissertation, it, but nobody is going to care about the conflict, because they don’t care about your characters involved in university of reading thesis, it yet. Resolve the of a higher essay, conflict before anything else happens? OK, but (1) nobody will care about the thesis, resolution, because they haven’t been introduced to your characters yet; and essays (2) the rest of your book is going to suck, because all of the conflict was resolved in the first act. Good luck with that. “Popular outline and university of reading thesis structure “formulas” are filled with misconceptions about what makes a story work.” The hundreds of biology gcse coursework 2013 thousands of unpublished/self-published novels written without any idea where they were going are personifications of misconceptions about what makes a story work, too. University Of Reading! Again, this argument has nothing to do with outlining. You can outline in a bad story structure as easily as you can pants a bad story structure. This simply has nothing to do with the pros or cons of creative coursework outlining. Of Reading! It has to do with the cons of editing bad storytelling. “Here are some common ways that outliners may break their contracts with readers:” These were my favorites, because the arguments are nonsensical: “Foreshadow something and fail to of reading thesis make it significant.” Is this a threat with outlining because if you don’t outline you don’t ever foreshadow? If you do a bad job storytelling, this can happen if you outline. Biology! If you do a good job, the fact that you actually know what is supposed to happen four scenes down the road makes it possible to foreshadow. Thesis! At best, this can be read as “since you don’t know what’s going to happen either, you don’t ever foreshadow.” Not what I would call an creative coursework advantage. Of Reading Thesis! Chekhov wasn’t only telling us that the gun from the creative coursework, first chapter needs to be used by the third. He was also telling us that if someone grabs a gun to save the day in the third, it should have been introduced in the first. Of Reading! The alternative is essays deus ex pantser. “Introduce a character, make readers care about her, and then drop her from the university, story.” What the hell is this person talking about? Before an outliner introduces a character, she knows whether she’s relevant to the story. This is a problem outlining helps you avoid (see the “advantages of rabbit trails” analysis in the article, which directly contradicts this part of the on competition law, article). “Develop conflict and then fail to resolve it in a satisfactory way.” Again, an outline is of reading thesis not guarantee this can’t happen, but it is a step in dissertation, the right direction. Outlining requires the writer to think of what the of reading thesis, conflict is and then reason through the resolution conceptually. Just letting your characters wander around does not lead to more satisfactory conflict resolution. “Have characters act in unbelievable ways.” Maybe I missed it. Is this article just tongue-in-cheek sarcasm? Looking at on competition, the cause, effect, interrelationships and long-term results of a character’s actions from a bird’s-eye view does not make them act more unbelievably. If I need a character to pick a lock in of reading, Chapter 8, I’ll show him getting out of prison for gcse mice, burglary in Chapter 2 and thesis maybe even have him dig up his old lock-picking tools that he buried years before in Chapter 6. Media Coursework! Knowing where the story is university going ahead of of a higher history time guards against this, it doesn’t cause it. This author just listed a bunch of disadvantages not knowing where your story will go (you can’t foreshadow if even you don’t know what’s coming next, you can’t know what significance your character will have in the last chapter when you introduce her if you don’t know what is of reading thesis going to happen in the last chapter, same for biology coursework 2013, conflicts, same for planning out things so they remain believable.). University! Then just blithely asserts that they are disadvantages of outlining. Some people write incredibly well without outlines, so that part doesn’t bother me. Edition Dissertation Table Of Contents! Irrational arguments swimming in patent logical fallacies, however, bug the crap out of thesis me. Thanks for coming back for a second post, Mooky. I wholeheartedly agree with your critique of this article’s pretentious pretzel logic, as I hinted at yesterday. I’m not condoning elaborate set-in-stone outlines (I don’t even know who uses them aside from maybe screenwriters) or arbitrarily aimless narratives, but this article is using certain arguments against outlines that are fundamentally irrational. In regards to your comments on essay mice men “Have characters act in university of reading, unbelievable ways,” I think that the article refers to apa 6th edition dissertation table bending characters to suit situations. So you *outline* the plot, and it has to go that way (because you can’t, you know, change the outline… I don’t really think anyone would write in concrete like that), but you’ve *developed* the character in university of reading, a different direction- such that the two don’t mesh. I have seen a lot of bombing on the writing prompt forums when people use created characters because they’re being inserted into scenes they were never meant to be in. I think a lot of the on competition law, points are silly if they’re based on someone that writes in concrete, but I’ve also never met anyone who writes like that. If I ever meet one, I’ll stop thinking so many of the points here are flawed. So, in summary, I agree that it sounds like this article is totally one camp vs. the other with no middle ground (and I express my thoughts below, in a comment of my own)… But, honestly, though I get your points, but you’re going about making them in… I don’t know how to say this, honestly… maybe… harsh/ rant-like way. University Of Reading Thesis! Not that it’s not warranted on some of these points… I guess where I’m coming from is that I’d love to read a retort to this article that was… well… a professional retort you would submit to a journal or something. If you’re here, you’ve got writing talent. Don’t squander it on gcse english mice men angry rants when you can weave a much more elegant reply. True. It seems more likely to me that you would forget to foreshadow when you aren’t sure where the story is going. I’ve written two novels as a pantser and have received positive feedback from other writers and editors. Of Reading! Outlining seems so…contrived. Thanks for letting me know I’m not alone! Brian, I really enjoyed your thoughts. I start a story with a seed and then watch the branches grow in various directions. An outline is herbicide on gcse men that process. I don’t know if a satisfying climax is always the right direction to take. Sometimes stories that end with questions are the ones that stick with readers. I’m torn. I’m not sure which way is best; but I do feel that too many rules can take all the fun out of university thesis writing. I think there are two ends of the spectrum that any writer who is interested in essays, commercial or even mainstream literary success should probably avoid. At one end of the spectrum is a concrete outline that stifles any organic character or plot growth. At the university of reading thesis, other end of the spectrum is starting a 100,000 word novel without knowing where it starts and where it ends and having a reasonable idea how it is going to get from the former to the latter. There is a lot of real estate between those extremes, and I’ve found myself at different places on the spectrum because of the creative media coursework, nature of different projects, but I cannot imagine going to either extreme for university of reading thesis, any project. As far as I know, Graham Greene and Joseph Conrad were just two writers who didn’t outline – who wrote seat-of-the-pants – and they didn’t do too badly. And while a novel is fiction, were the story to media be real life, the characters might plan and plot, but they could hardly dictate the outcome of university of reading a course of action. Why should a novelist? Thank you for this article! I no longer feel alone. Creative Coursework! Whenever I received a writing assignment of any kind that required an outline, when at all possible I did the same thing as Steven James: I’d complete the assignment early (and several hundreds of words over the required limit) and then write up an outline. I’ve never been able to write within the strict confines of an outline, yet every time I read another piece of writing advice, one of the of reading thesis, first things I see is “create an outline of your story.” And I immediately feel inferior because if I fail at higher history, not being able to complete that initial step, does that mean I’m automatically destined to fail with the of reading, rest of my writing? (My low self-esteem invariably answers with a resounding “YES!” which I try to ignore.) I enjoy letting my characters and the situations of my story take me where they will. Sometimes I have to on competition wrangle things when they get too far out of hand, but other times I discover that the wandering path I’ve been led down has actually created a more cohesive and creative narrative. Thesis! Not to mention I can deepen my characters’ personalities and biology gcse 2013 motivations by letting them “speak” to me; in a way, they explain why this particular story needs to be told. University Of Reading! If I follow a narrow outline, how much then am I missing out on? Since when did the writer of this excellent revelation learn how to read my mind? Our stories are live entities when properly translated into words. I’d share this wonderful epiphany with all my friends, but it tastes so delicious that I want to hoard it until they beg for the secret. Although I knew all these things, I can’t imagine putting them into words so eloquently as is done here, and only hope my characters continue to take me in new directions as they always have because they achieve a life of their own beyond my control. Call it “muse” if you wish. English Essay! I call it magic. I have never been able to outline. It seems a bit too pigeon-holed and forced. That is a rigid outline: I, II, III–etc. University Of Reading! I could never force myself to english men do that. I am working on my first novel now. University Of Reading Thesis! I’ve written several short stories in college years and years ago and completely stopped writing for a very long time. Then, forced into an early retirement for health reasons, I had all this time on my hands, so decided to write the novel I’ve always wanted to write. The issue that I’m having is dissertation structure. I tried to outline at first, to of reading no avail. So, I decided that I’d just start writing. Then I got stuck. I didn’t know where to go. I am writing a dual mystery in structure higher essay, two different timelines, a cold case from university thesis 1993 and an even colder case from old west 1871. I’m finding with a mystery, you do need to do some plotting to know where you are going, but not so rigid that it stifles creativity. So, I guess I am half and half. I read Stephen King’s On Writing too. I am a big fan as a reader, and I’ve read a lot of how-to books on writing. This one is the best of them all. It is as if he is sitting there in a recliner or sofa next to you, telling you his story. It amazes me that he can write the gcse english, huge volumes with so many characters and not outline. Anyway, I am still finding my way. Does anyone have any advice for of reading, me about weaving a tight murder story organically? I even discouraged starting with a packet of 3×5 index cards for research papers. On Competition! I saw nothing wrong with what was most comfortable for the student. I was nearly banned from the university, English department. But wait! I had been making a very good part-time income as a technical writer (while teaching) and had more published articles than the entire department. In the men, words of Tevye, “Tradition, Tradition” Big sigh of university of reading thesis relief! I write this way and rather happily. Coursework! Then I read an article that makes me feel somehow deficient because I don’t plan at all. This article seeped deep into my soul and said, yes, trust the university of reading thesis, process! This is of a higher how the of reading thesis, magic comes. I would agree that writing a concrete, no-deviation outline is stupid, but I’ve never seen anyone do that. Kudos to mice a writer that can make it actually work without forcing characters that are developing in a different direction adhere to university of reading the original plan. I would agree with jaredbernard that it’s got to be impossible to write with no idea where things are going. Even if it’s in your brain, you probably have a rough outline of *some* sort. I’m one of the most chaotic writers, and apa 6th dissertation of contents I even keep a brief mental outline. Of Reading! But I’m pretty sure this article means to gcse mice refer to those soul-killing, set-in-stone, table-of-contents-to-be outlines, and not some simple mental notes. As for my own style, I’m generally fairly organic and sporadic, writing what comes to me completely without regard to of reading thesis logical order. -I generally write the beginning, because I usually think up rich expositions first. -If I know where it ends, I write the ending next (either very broad how-the-world-changed stuff or very narrow, personal stuff that doesn’t necessarily change too much even if the character(s) involved are sole survivors or among the editing, masses). -While I may have a general idea for some things in university thesis, the middle, I usually leave that to develop organically, and shape whatever else happens around what grows. I write chaotically, so when I come up with an idea, even if it is three chapters ahead, I write it down. It keeps me from forgetting things and allows me to work them in as I go along. So I’m glad I’m not alone in the chaos! At last…someone else who seems to work the coursework 2013, way I do. I started writing only a few years ago after spending years fixing computers and did things similar to this article right only to be told by other “writing” friends I’ve met online that I was doing it all wrong. They knew more because of the Creative Writing courses they took in college. Ahh…what a relief that I didn’t listen to them! For years I have tried to outline my stories before I write them, and find halfway through the process that I give up, completely frustrated. In every aspect of my life I am detailed and make lists for everything, but when it comes to of reading my writing I just have to gcse essay mice men dive in of reading, and let the story take over. Professional! I don’t believe there is thesis a right way, or a wrong way…only the way that works best for you as an individual. If that makes me a Rebel, so be it! The topic of “pantzing” as opposed to outlining comes up all the time. Most instruction will suggest outlining over pantzing because it organizes thinking. Of A! In other words, an outline is a “skeleton” guide for the writing to flesh out into an organic body of the thesis, story that goes from the beginning (setup or protagonist’s ordinary life style) to the middle (extraordinary crisis and essays on competition law stakes that disrupt pro’s ordinary life style, forcing choices) that lead to (life style changes) the university of reading thesis, end. That is the outline for 2013, every story genre. It is the outline for life itself. We all live it. Director Hitchcock said it best: Entertainment is university life with all the dull stuff taken out. We relate to and learn from the structure of a, experience even if it is fiction. Maybe we can learn from film. University Thesis! Hitchcock was a very tightly organized director– right down to the shot. Great article. I can’t remember the gcse english essay, source but a well-known author once asked “How can you know what the story until you’ve written it. Sorry, but this is thesis a little pedantic. I agree that organic writing is professional editing important — Alice Munro taught us that — but to imply that outline-less writers are better able to fulfill contractual obligations made to readers because they are more attuned to the direction of their stories is hairsplitting pedagogy. You just have the outline in your head. What difference does it make if the writer keeps the story’s direction in mind or if the writer writes it down? I think outlines are often useful, but I rarely write them down and when I do I only write a rough back-of-the-napkin style half-pager. Of Reading Thesis! Whatever works. But don’t tell me keeping your story’s plans in your mind is not an outline. I hear what you’re saying, and professional I get that even when we’re not planning we’re a step or two ahead in our minds. To me what resonates in this article is not being too formulaic. Thesis! I can tell when I pick up a book that’s just been too, TOO planned out–like some romance books for gcse coursework 2013, instance. They do have a formula, some of university of reading thesis them follow it a little too strictly, and it’s like . . . Editing Dissertation! where’s the tension? Even if I do know there’s going to be a HEA, I need some great back-and-forth guessing. Anyway, that’s my nickel, for what it’s worth. I am so glad to find out of reading that I’m not a freak of nature of the writing world. I don’t use outlines and just let the stories flow and then go back and rearrange and edit. I believe that better stories are told that way because you are not over-analyzing each and apa 6th table of contents every scene. Thank you so much for such a great article. I’m proud to be a REBEL. In all honesty, it is rather refreshing to read this. Of Reading Thesis! I have NEVER been able to outline as I tend to edition dissertation lose interest in the story when I know how it plays out. I often feel as though I am reading something new and exciting even as the words form across my screen and that excitement to university of reading thesis find out what happens next is professional dissertation what makes me keep writing! Short stories aside, I have never finished a novel/rough draft when I have the story planned out. Amazing article that raises a lot of good points. University Thesis! With my latest project, I’d been doing all my brainstorming and planning before settling down to write it. Every other story I’ve written, I’ve done the exact opposite, barreling in without my idea being fully realized, so I’m doing this for a change of pace. Nonetheless, I’ll take a lot of gcse english mice men this to heart while I continue along that process, especially when it comes to making sure my character’s motivation is concise and the ensemble of cast members act within their given characterications.

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University of reading thesis format

Essay on City Life vs. Village Life! One of the most striking features of industrial age is the growth of city life. In ancient times the people mostly lived in villages being engaged in agriculture. Cities arose here and there as centres of trade or seats of government. Today in all industrialized countries the situation has been reversed. The urban population in England and the United States has expanded continuously over the rural population. New facilities of transport and communication have brought thousands of people nearer to university each other and made it convenient for them to live together in large aggregations. Professional. The growth of cities is a special feature of modern age and as the city grows the whole character of society undergoes a change. There is a sharp difference between the thesis, city and village life though with the expansion of urban influence on the village this difference is becoming more and edition table of contents more a matter of degree. However, in spite of the recent trends of urbanisation the villages still retain many of their traditional features and present a sharp contrast with the university of reading thesis, urban life. In rural community the force of traditional mores and the bonds of family solidarity are more dominant than in the urban community. According to creative media coursework Biesanz and Biesanz, “In the rural community custom is the king, the folkways and mores control most of behaviour,” The sense of group responsibility which tends to university thesis be more and more dissolved in the growth of the city prevails in english essay mice, village life. The type of village family is university generally patriarchal in which the status of the individual is the status of his family. There is less individual questioning and rebellion. The family determines as to whether and whom the individual should marry for the maintenance of apa 6th edition dissertation table of contents, family name. There is lesser freedom in the selection of life partner. There are few love-marriages. Not only marriage but also religion, recreation, occupation pre determined by family traditions. Any deviation from the university of reading, establish-id family traditions especially in sex matters, is regarded an offence against apa 6th edition of contents, family unity and hardly tolerated. The life of all men and women is merged in family life. University Of Reading Thesis. In short, family dominates individual’s life in village community. Media. Moreover, the university, village community is too small to support a missionary society, like a Rotary Club. The family is the only organisation which performs the task of aid and protection. Creative. For such functions there is no formal organisation with a president and secretary. On the other hand, in the city community life is conspicuous by the absence of family life. The anonymous character of the city frees the urban dweller from university of reading thesis close moral control. Social control becomes the activity of specialized agencies. Family control is lessened. Police and courts, teachers and social workers take over table of contents the regulatory functions of the family circle. A “free lance” detached from family bonds is looked askance at university of reading thesis, in the village while such a person, even his norms of conduct, sexual and otherwise may pass unnoticed in the city and gcse english mice be admitted to those places where high class gentry goes. If a person violates family marriage customs he- is not boycotted by the urban community, an impersonalized world. According to Davis, “He can escape the oppressive control of any primary group when he wishes, simply by thesis, disappearing into on competition the sea of strangers.” It may also be noted that the urban life is more regulated by the State than the rural life is regulated. Even minor matters like disposal of garbage and refuse cannot be left to voluntary action. The government acquires many functions, some of which are community housekeeping duties. Thus, in a city as opposed to university of reading the village the mores and folkways are least counted on to handle the situation. In other words, the larger the city, the greater becomes the problem of control and the more complex the agencies of secondary control. Secondly, a village community is marked by immediate contacts between its members. There is gcse english essay mice men a strong ‘we-feeling’ in the rural community. We find members in a village community helping each other and sharing the joys and sorrows of each other. In the village everybody is of reading known to everybody. Their relations are personal. Customers are not mere strangers but persons with whom all are acquainted. From such contacts each person knows a great deal about his neighbours, their activities, preferences and attitudes. Status of each one in the village community is well known. Written contracts are less important than a word of editing, honour. Crime in village community is rare. Since there is of reading little secrecy, stolen goods cannot be used and are difficult to dispose of. Things are done by mutual understanding. In city life, on the other hand, nearness counts much less. The inhabitants of a city hardly know each other. Sometimes, they do not know even their next-door neighbour nothing to structure higher history speak of influencing their activities. In a big city like Bombay people living in of reading thesis, the lower storey do not know the people living in the third or fourth storey. There is an atmosphere of indifference and of a higher history essay callousness in a city. In a city like Calcutta, an inhabitant may spend a whole day in the street and never see a person he knows, though he may see tens of thousands of people. Even friend are likely to be known only in a particular context and in a particular segment of life. In the words of Gist and Halbert, ‘The city encourages impersonal rather than personal relationships.” Most of the relations are indirect. Competition has a far greater velocity in thesis, the city than in the village. Life in a village community is simple and uniform. There are few ambitious men and fewer excitements. Biology 2013. The villagers lead a uniform life tilling land and rearing animals. Their standard of living is lower than that of the town because the means of earning money are limited. They view land as the university thesis, most substantial of all heritages. Agriculture is their major occupation. When oppressive taxes or other measures threaten their ownership of land, they align themselves with radical movements as happened in Soviet Russia. The standard of living of the urban people is higher. They are more prodigal than the village people. Country life suggests ‘save’, City life suggests ‘spend’. The poor turning rich overnight or the rich being reduced to beggary in one day are cases unknown in the village. The man of enterprise and on competition adventurous spirit has no place in rural community. The city dweller becomes indifferent to extremes of all kinds. Indeed the distinction between public and private, between what is shown and what is concealed, is much sharper in the city. It is the public behaviour that the city regulates, the private behaviour it ignores. Another contrast between village and urban community is concerning the modes of production. In the village as a rule, only a predominant type of occupation, Le., agriculture prevails. Each family bakes its own bread and does its own washing, for all the environment, physical as well as social, is the same. The city, on the other hand, is the place for all, the semiskilled worker, the skilled artisan, the “paper-expert”, the technician, the artist, the banker, the teacher, the social reformer and many others. It is a heterogeneous group of people engaged in university of reading, various pursuits. Gcse 2013. The city tasks are divided and sub-divided to university of reading thesis such an extreme that even the work of unskilled labour becomes specialized. The trend in the urban world is clearly in apa 6th of contents, the direction of a larger percentage of specialized work leading to a multiplicity of organisations, economic and social. The residents of a city become affiliated with a number of organisations. Their social relations are mostly indirect and secondary. Members of a single family frequently belong to different organisations. Since these various organisations have different customs and of reading procedures, there is opportunity for confusion and lack of understanding. The process of selection for professional editing, the specialized work is keener. The management selects those who are best specialized in the work and ruthlessly reject all those who fall below the competitive standard. University Thesis. The owner of special ability has greater chances of quick promotion. The individual is rated more in creative media, terms of university of reading, accomplishments than he is rated in the rural community. The city sifts and segregates all of the members according to on competition law their ability and finds a fit place for each. It provides public schools for the wealthy and private schools for the poor. It also provides distinctive schools for elementary, higher, technical, cultural and university thesis professional education. It even provides separate schools for defective persons, e.g. Deaf and Dumb school. The city requires and promotes great social mobility. It lays emphasis on achievement rather than the ascription of status. The urban dweller can raise or lower his status to creative coursework a remarkable degree during his life time. The caste element in social stratification is minimized. Status centres on the occupation, on the nature and competence of the activity, rather than on the accident of birth. As opposed to the village in a city social climbing is most prevalent. Sorokin and Zimmermann have written, “The rural community is similar to university of reading thesis calm waters in a pool and the urban community to english mice men boiling water in a kettle. Stability is the typical trait for thesis, the one mobility is the typical trait for the other.” Specialization is also seen in the physical structure of the city. Distinctive areas are marked for different activities. Chandigarh, the capital of Punjab State, has been divided into different sectors, each sector with marked peculiarities. In the western world specialization of areas has been carried to gcse english essay mice a greater extent than in India. The structure varies from city to city in accordance with the size, site and needs, of the city, but generally everywhere in the western world there is a clear division of space into zones of business activity, of thesis, low rentals and residential congestion, of apa 6th edition table of contents, transitory abode, of “middle-class” residence, of industrial concentration, and so forth. Specialization in the city has also influenced the life of women. If the social life had remained predominantly a village life, women would have been the drudges in the household. Industrialization and specialization have brought women to workshop and factory. They have entered into the wider life which has altered their outlook and habits and liberated them from the university, exclusiveness of domesticity. As MacIver observes, ‘The individualization of women has been fostered by urban life and professional editing the resulting freer reciprocity of relationship between men and women, as individuals, is of reading thesis exercising and will doubtless continue to exercise, since the process is still advancing, a significant influence on the whole structure of society.” The city community evokes in man the qualities which stand in sharp contrast with those demanded by rural community. The village calls for persistence, a more stern and structure history dogged fidelity to the way of life. He is fatalistic and is in constant contact with nature. He sees nature as the practical worker who must wrest a living from the soil. He sees nature as friend and enemy, as the ripened of of reading thesis, crops and sender of rains. The forces of nature are beyond his control and reckoning. He is attached to- rituals and becomes superstitious and religious. The city requires alertness and quicker responses to changing situations. The city dweller is more tolerant in matters of religious beliefs, modes of life, tastes and opinions. According to Bogardus, “Rural people are frank, open and genuine; they scorn the on competition law, artificiality or many phases of city life.” The city is ruled by impersonality of law and the caprice of fashion. In a rural community the rural moral codes are fixed and strict. Of Reading Thesis. Any violation of them leads to media coursework bitter estrangements and sometimes to personal tragedies. In a rural community there is university of reading thesis much mutual aid. If a house is to english mice men be mud plastered, a feast given or a sickness nursed, the neighbours come in to help. There is an atmosphere of kindliness. There is a good deal of visiting, several times daily, between the of reading, people. In an urban community there is structure of a history essay no strong ‘we feeling’. The absence of a common mode of occupation and the great impersonality of city life narrow the urbanite’s attachments and detract from his feeling of identification with the whole community. The secondary and voluntary character of urban association, the multiplicity of opportunities, and the social mobility all force the individual to make his own decisions and to plan his life as a career. The city instead of suppressing the individuality emphasizes it. The competitiveness of the city places the individual over against everyone else he is not inexorably tied to any particular relationship or cause. University Of Reading. He leaves one city to live in another city and does not feel any loss; but a countryman when uprooted from his village surroundings sheds tears from his eyes. Economic advancement and abundance of opportunities are common incentives of the city. The young men and women leave the rural community for urban community because the latter affords those more opportunities for employment and of a history profits. But sometimes the university of reading thesis, men coming from the village may have to face disappointment and despair in the city. So one should leave the village for city after a deep and careful thought. The above are then the features that distinguish rural from urban life. Gcse Mice. In the city “opposite conditions are found”, aggregation ; instead of physical isolation; associations of many kind’s supplementing or supplanting the functions of family or categorical relationships; contacts with human beings and civilization diversity superseding contacts with nature; differentiation of economic classes and specialization of economic tasks, ranking and university of reading grading men in ways often unknown in the country; limited and intensified work, with its endless varieties and disparities of opportunity and of fortune creating an intricate design of competitive living traditionally alien to the rural sense.” It may, however, be pointed out that urbanization of the rural population has reduced the differences between rural and urban community. The urban influence on the rural people can be seen in matters like social organisation, family organisation, food habits, standard of living, dress habits, cosmetics, religion, rituals, beliefs etc. The rural people are taking over the urban modes of life and as this has been happening, the rural way of life has been withering away. The more the villages are linked with the city through modes of transport and biology coursework 2013 communication, the faster will be the urban influence on the rural life. This may lead to assimilation of the rural people into the urban way of life thereby eliminating the attitudinal and university of reading other cultural differences between townsmen and countrymen. Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply. You must be logged in to post a comment. Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages:

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There have always been questions related to the accelerated time scheme of Romeo and Juliet and scholars have questioned whether a love story of such magnitude can unfold within such a short span of time. This is one of the most critical Romeo and Juliet essay topic that has been picked by thesis, students of literature. Many claim that it is the essay mice intensity of the university of reading bonding between Romeo and Juliet followed by a complex set of events during the edition dissertation course of the play which makes it evident that the time span of the story is of reading thesis, relatively longer compared to the actual time span if we see it from a practical point of view. If each and every event in the play is compressed into a span of essays law a few days, ample weight can be emphasized on every moment which somewhat makes critics feel that the thesis events are happening within a very short span of time leaving barely any time for the characters to give an adequate reaction. Gradually, this rush ends up heightening the pressure in the atmosphere during the course of the play. Maybe it does not make sense for a story like Romeo and Juliet to occur within a span of 4 days practically. While choosing a thesis theme​ for Romeo and Juliet, people usually compare the contrasting characters of Romeo and Juliet and emphasize on the reasons why they fell in love. Romeo happens to be an intelligent, excitable, passionate, well-liked and moody young man who is admired throughout the city of apa 6th Verona. His loyalty is his charm and his behavior towards people is somewhat unpredictable. Writing an essay introduction for of reading thesis an engineering paper on Romeo and Juliet should always start with a description of the characters of both the apa 6th table subjects followed by an insight of how Romeo laments over university thesis, his unrequited love for Rosaline. On Competition Law! But eventually, Romeo grows more passionate about Juliet and his unyielding love for her grips him with a sense of belonging. On the other hand, Juliet was an innocent girl who is astonished by the sudden love that she develops for Romeo. University Of Reading Thesis! Eventually, she turns into a capable, determined, loyal and mature woman who displeasures her undying love for Romeo with sober-mindedness. The level of attraction that brews up between Romeo and Juliet is overwhelming and immediate, but none of them seem to comprehend the cause behind that. The dissertation methodologyrevolves around the two of them complimenting each other and embracing their destiny in such a way that their undying love does not need an explanation. There are certain essay topics Romeo and Juliet on which the research is tremendous and essays on competition, one can interpret it in multiple ways in of reading thesis order to justify the plot of the media story. Tybalt and Mercutio as Romeo and Juliet essay topics. There have been lots of debates as to why there was hatred between Mercutio and Tybalt. Mercutio tells Benvolio that he despises Tybalt owing to his fetish for vanity and fashion. He is immensely insistent to make the reader accept the description of Tybalt as definitive and thesis, indeed, the words of Mercutio turn out to be true as Tybalt’s character is prone to violence, vain and wit. He is dissertation of contents, easily insulted, fashionable and defensive in nature which makes the audience despise him, but envy him at the same time for his self-righteousness. Mercutio considers Tybalt as a caricature and on the other hand, Tybalt considers Mercutio as unconventional and incomprehensible. The rumble between the two characters has been the talking point of many dissertations and hence, can be considered as the perfect topic for an essay. There are many more Romeo and Juliet essay topics which can be picked such as: The suicidal impulse exhibited by Romeo and Juliet and its interrelation with the theme of romance has been one of the most widely chosen topics for dissertations. People question Shakespeare’s perception of considering the tendency of self-destruction to be connected to love and many believe that he considered both to be separate issues. Analysis of the bonding between the children and parents in Romeo and Juliet can be a viable topic chosen for a dissertation. Questions have been raised regarding the way in which Romeo and Juliet used to interact with their parents, whether they were rebellious in nature and how their parents felt about them. This topic is open to of reading multiple interpretations depending on how the story has portrayed the relationship between the creative characters. What is the role played by Mercutio apart from clashing with Tybalt? Can we consider Mercutio as a supporting character and a source of comical relief or is there something more to his character than what meets the eye? There can be multiple interpretations regarding the characters portrayed by Mercutio and Tybalt apart from the rivalry which has been shown between them. What is the perception of death that has been portrayed in Romeo and Juliet? Are they the same as Shakespeare’s actual perceptions about death or is there a difference according to the story line? Topics like these require the author to frame their answers keeping the moral, legal and personal perceptions in mind and relating them to the plot of the story. Keeping these issues in university of reading mind, the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, Mercutio and Romeo, and of a higher history, Tybalt can be compared. There are a plethora of quotations that you can use from Romeo and Juliet which will add more substance to your essay. The quotations from the play tend to correspond to the topics of the essays which are chosen and offer great ideas by emphasizing on symbols, themes, imagery and the motifs that have been highlighted in the play. Hence, there are surfeit of of reading topics to choose from, depending upon your understanding of the plot Romeo and Juliet. There have always been questions related to the accelerated time scheme of Romeo and Juliet and scholars have questioned whether a love story of such magnitude can unfold within such a short span of biology gcse 2013 time. This is one of the most critical Romeo and of reading thesis, Juliet essay topic that has been picked by students of literature. Many claim that it is the intensity of the bonding between Romeo and Juliet followed by of a higher history, a complex set of events during the course of the play which makes it evident that the time span of the story is relatively longer compared to the actual time span if we see it from a practical point of view. If each and every event in the play is compressed into a span of a few days, ample weight can be emphasized on every moment which somewhat makes critics feel that the events are happening within a very short span of time leaving barely any time for the characters to give an university of reading thesis adequate reaction. Gradually, this rush ends up heightening the pressure in the atmosphere during the course of the play. Maybe it does not make sense for a story like Romeo and Juliet to gcse essay mice occur within a span of 4 days practically. While choosing a thesis theme​ for of reading thesis Romeo and Juliet, people usually compare the contrasting characters of Romeo and Juliet and emphasize on the reasons why they fell in creative media love. Romeo happens to be an intelligent, excitable, passionate, well-liked and moody young man who is admired throughout the city of Verona. His loyalty is his charm and his behavior towards people is somewhat unpredictable. Writing an of reading thesis essay introduction for an engineering paper on Romeo and Juliet should always start with a description of the characters of both the subjects followed by an insight of how Romeo laments over his unrequited love for Rosaline. But eventually, Romeo grows more passionate about Juliet and his unyielding love for her grips him with a sense of editing belonging. On the other hand, Juliet was an innocent girl who is thesis, astonished by creative coursework, the sudden love that she develops for Romeo. Of Reading Thesis! Eventually, she turns into a capable, determined, loyal and mature woman who displeasures her undying love for Romeo with sober-mindedness. The level of attraction that brews up between Romeo and Juliet is overwhelming and immediate, but none of them seem to comprehend the cause behind that. The dissertation methodologyrevolves around the of a higher essay two of them complimenting each other and embracing their destiny in such a way that their undying love does not need an explanation. There are certain essay topics Romeo and university, Juliet on which the research is tremendous and creative coursework, one can interpret it in multiple ways in order to justify the plot of the story. Tybalt and Mercutio as Romeo and Juliet essay topics. There have been lots of debates as to why there was hatred between Mercutio and Tybalt. Mercutio tells Benvolio that he despises Tybalt owing to his fetish for vanity and fashion. He is immensely insistent to make the reader accept the description of Tybalt as definitive and indeed, the words of Mercutio turn out to be true as Tybalt’s character is prone to violence, vain and wit. He is easily insulted, fashionable and thesis, defensive in nature which makes the audience despise him, but envy him at the same time for his self-righteousness. Mercutio considers Tybalt as a caricature and on the other hand, Tybalt considers Mercutio as unconventional and incomprehensible. The rumble between the two characters has been the talking point of many dissertations and hence, can be considered as the perfect topic for an essay. There are many more Romeo and Juliet essay topics which can be picked such as: The suicidal impulse exhibited by Romeo and Juliet and its interrelation with the apa 6th dissertation table theme of romance has been one of the most widely chosen topics for dissertations. People question Shakespeare’s perception of considering the tendency of self-destruction to be connected to love and many believe that he considered both to be separate issues. Analysis of the bonding between the children and parents in Romeo and Juliet can be a viable topic chosen for a dissertation. Questions have been raised regarding the way in which Romeo and Juliet used to interact with their parents, whether they were rebellious in nature and how their parents felt about them. This topic is open to multiple interpretations depending on how the story has portrayed the relationship between the characters. What is the role played by Mercutio apart from clashing with Tybalt? Can we consider Mercutio as a supporting character and a source of of reading thesis comical relief or is media coursework, there something more to his character than what meets the eye? There can be multiple interpretations regarding the characters portrayed by of reading, Mercutio and Tybalt apart from the english mice rivalry which has been shown between them. What is the perception of death that has been portrayed in Romeo and Juliet? Are they the same as Shakespeare’s actual perceptions about university thesis, death or is there a difference according to the story line? Topics like these require the author to frame their answers keeping the moral, legal and personal perceptions in mind and relating them to the plot of the story. Keeping these issues in mind, the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, Mercutio and Romeo, and Tybalt can be compared. There are a plethora of quotations that you can use from Romeo and Juliet which will add more substance to your essay. The quotations from the play tend to correspond to the topics of the essays which are chosen and offer great ideas by emphasizing on symbols, themes, imagery and professional editing, the motifs that have been highlighted in the play. Hence, there are surfeit of topics to choose from, depending upon your understanding of the plot Romeo and university of reading thesis, Juliet. There have always been questions related to the accelerated time scheme of essays Romeo and of reading thesis, Juliet and scholars have questioned whether a love story of such magnitude can unfold within such a short span of time. This is apa 6th dissertation of contents, one of the most critical Romeo and Juliet essay topic that has been picked by students of university of reading literature. Many claim that it is the intensity of the bonding between Romeo and Juliet followed by a complex set of events during the course of the play which makes it evident that the time span of the story is relatively longer compared to the actual time span if we see it from a practical point of view. If each and every event in the play is compressed into a span of a few days, ample weight can be emphasized on on competition every moment which somewhat makes critics feel that the events are happening within a very short span of university of reading thesis time leaving barely any time for the characters to give an adequate reaction. Gradually, this rush ends up heightening the pressure in the atmosphere during the structure of a course of the university play. Maybe it does not make sense for a story like Romeo and Juliet to occur within a span of 4 days practically. While choosing a thesis theme​ for Romeo and biology gcse coursework, Juliet, people usually compare the contrasting characters of Romeo and Juliet and emphasize on university the reasons why they fell in love. Romeo happens to be an intelligent, excitable, passionate, well-liked and moody young man who is admired throughout the city of Verona. Edition Dissertation! His loyalty is his charm and his behavior towards people is somewhat unpredictable. Writing an essay introduction for thesis an engineering paper on creative media coursework Romeo and university of reading, Juliet should always start with a description of the characters of both the subjects followed by an insight of coursework how Romeo laments over his unrequited love for Rosaline. But eventually, Romeo grows more passionate about Juliet and his unyielding love for of reading thesis her grips him with a sense of belonging. Structure History Essay! On the other hand, Juliet was an innocent girl who is astonished by the sudden love that she develops for Romeo. Thesis! Eventually, she turns into a capable, determined, loyal and essays on competition, mature woman who displeasures her undying love for Romeo with sober-mindedness. The level of attraction that brews up between Romeo and Juliet is overwhelming and of reading thesis, immediate, but none of them seem to comprehend the cause behind that. The dissertation methodologyrevolves around the two of them complimenting each other and embracing their destiny in such a way that their undying love does not need an explanation. There are certain essay topics Romeo and Juliet on which the research is tremendous and one can interpret it in multiple ways in order to justify the plot of the story. Tybalt and Mercutio as Romeo and gcse essay mice, Juliet essay topics. There have been lots of of reading thesis debates as to why there was hatred between Mercutio and Tybalt. Mercutio tells Benvolio that he despises Tybalt owing to his fetish for vanity and fashion. He is immensely insistent to make the reader accept the description of Tybalt as definitive and apa 6th edition of contents, indeed, the thesis words of Mercutio turn out to be true as Tybalt’s character is prone to violence, vain and wit. He is easily insulted, fashionable and defensive in nature which makes the audience despise him, but envy him at the same time for his self-righteousness. Mercutio considers Tybalt as a caricature and on the other hand, Tybalt considers Mercutio as unconventional and incomprehensible. Apa 6th Edition Of Contents! The rumble between the two characters has been the talking point of many dissertations and hence, can be considered as the university perfect topic for gcse english essay an essay. University! There are many more Romeo and biology 2013, Juliet essay topics which can be picked such as: The suicidal impulse exhibited by Romeo and Juliet and its interrelation with the theme of university thesis romance has been one of the most widely chosen topics for dissertations. People question Shakespeare’s perception of considering the tendency of self-destruction to be connected to love and many believe that he considered both to be separate issues. Analysis of the bonding between the children and parents in Romeo and gcse men, Juliet can be a viable topic chosen for a dissertation. Questions have been raised regarding the way in which Romeo and Juliet used to interact with their parents, whether they were rebellious in nature and how their parents felt about them. Thesis! This topic is open to multiple interpretations depending on how the story has portrayed the relationship between the characters. What is the role played by Mercutio apart from clashing with Tybalt? Can we consider Mercutio as a supporting character and a source of comical relief or is there something more to his character than what meets the editing dissertation eye? There can be multiple interpretations regarding the characters portrayed by Mercutio and Tybalt apart from the rivalry which has been shown between them. What is the perception of death that has been portrayed in Romeo and Juliet? Are they the same as Shakespeare’s actual perceptions about death or is there a difference according to the story line? Topics like these require the author to frame their answers keeping the moral, legal and personal perceptions in mind and relating them to university of reading the plot of the story. Keeping these issues in creative media coursework mind, the thesis deaths of Romeo and Juliet, Mercutio and Romeo, and Tybalt can be compared. There are a plethora of quotations that you can use from Romeo and Juliet which will add more substance to your essay. The quotations from the play tend to correspond to the topics of the essays which are chosen and professional dissertation, offer great ideas by emphasizing on symbols, themes, imagery and the motifs that have been highlighted in the play. Hence, there are surfeit of topics to choose from, depending upon your understanding of the plot Romeo and of reading thesis, Juliet.
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